Blue And Orange Tone Lightroom Preset | Lightroom Preset Free DNG & XMP Download | lightroom preset

lightroom preset

Blue And Orange Tone Lightroom Preset :- Hello friends how are you all hope you all are good as always. Friends, in today’s article, I have Blue And Orange Tone Lightroom Preset for all of you. With the help of which you can edit your photo. With this Lightroom preset, you can turn any of your useless photos into great ones. So friends, you can use this preset very easily, we will help you in this without any hassle. If you face any problem in anything, then you can tell us by commenting and messaging us on Instagram.

नमस्कार दोस्तों कैसे हैं आप सभी आशा करता हूं कि आप सभी हमेशा की तरह अच्छे होंगे। दोस्तों, आज के लेख में, मेरे पास आप सभी के लिए Blue And Orange Tone Lightroom Preset है। जिसकी मदद से आप अपने फोटो को एडिट कर सकते हैं। इस लाइटरूम प्रीसेट से आप अपनी किसी भी बेकार फोटो को बेहतरीन बना सकते हैं। तो दोस्तों आप इस प्रीसेट को बहुत ही आसानी से उसे कर सकते ह इसमें हम आपकी मदद करेंगे वो भी बिना किसी परेशानी के। अगर आपको किसी भी चीज में कोई दिक्कत आती है तो आप हमें कमेंट करके इंस्टाग्राम पर मेसेज करके बता सकते हैं।

So friends preset is given in description of youtube, if you want to use preset then first of all watch below youtube video and it will have password, you have to see that password only then friends you will get this video i.e. preset. ok you see and find password in that after that you will get this preset preset link is given below please read article and see comfortably ok and you use comfortably if you face any problem in editing you message me Do Instagram link is given in YouTube description, if there is any problem then direct message

तो दोस्तों प्रीसेट यूट्यूब के डिस्क्रिप्शन में दिया गया है, अगर आप प्रीसेट यूज़ करना चाहते हैं तो सबसे पहले नीचे दिए गए यूट्यूब वीडियो को देखें और उसमें पासवर्ड होगा, आपको वह पासवर्ड देखना है तभी दोस्तों यह वीडियो यानी प्रीसेट आपको मिल जाएगा। ठीक से आप देखते हैं और उसमें पासवर्ड पाते हैं उसके बाद यह प्रीसेट आपको मिल जाएगा प्रीसेट लिंक नीचे दिया गया है कृपया लेख पढ़ें और आराम से देखें ठीक है और आप आराम से यूज़ करें अगर आपको संपादन में कोई समस्या आती है तो आप मुझे मैसेज करें इंस्टाग्राम लिंक YouTube description में दिया गया है , कोई दिक्कत हो तो डायरक्ट मैसेज करें

Blue And Orange Tone Lightroom Preset: Enhancing Your Photos with a Vibrant Twist


  1. Introduction
  2. Understanding Lightroom Presets
  3. Benefits of Using Lightroom Presets
  4. Exploring the Blue and Orange Tone Effect
  5. How to Install Lightroom Presets
  6. Applying Blue and Orange Tone Presets
  7. Adjusting the Presets to Suit Your Style
  8. Tips for Achieving the Best Results
  9. Creative Applications of Blue and Orange Tone Presets
  10. Editing Photos with Blue and Orange Tone Presets: Step-by-Step Guide
  11. Comparing Before and After: Examples of Transformed Images
  12. Conclusion
  13. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Photography enthusiasts are constantly seeking new ways to enhance their images, and one popular technique to achieve a captivating and vibrant look is by using Lightroom presets. In this article, we will delve into the world of Blue and Orange Tone Lightroom presets, exploring their benefits, installation process, and how they can elevate your photographs to the next level.

Understanding Lightroom Presets

Lightroom presets are pre-defined settings that can be applied to your photos with a single click. These presets act as filters, altering various aspects of the image such as color tones, contrast, exposure, and more. By using presets, you can achieve consistent and professional-looking edits, saving time and effort in the post-processing stage.

Benefits of Using Lightroom Presets

  1. Consistency: Lightroom presets provide a consistent look across your images, making them ideal for maintaining a cohesive aesthetic throughout a photo series or portfolio.
  2. Efficiency: Presets simplify the editing process, allowing you to achieve impressive results quickly and effortlessly.
  3. Customization: While presets offer a starting point, you can still customize the settings to suit your unique style and artistic vision.
  4. Experimentation: With a wide range of presets available, you have the freedom to explore different moods, tones, and styles without starting from scratch.

Exploring the Blue and Orange Tone Effect

The Blue and Orange Tone effect is a popular choice among photographers looking to add a dynamic and eye-catching twist to their images. This effect involves boosting the blues and oranges in a photo, creating a vibrant and visually appealing contrast between the two colors. Whether you want to enhance landscapes, portraits, or even urban scenes, the Blue and Orange Tone preset can breathe new life into your photographs.

How to Install Lightroom Presets

Installing Lightroom presets is a simple and straightforward process:

  1. Download the Blue and Orange Tone Lightroom preset file from a reputable source.
  2. Launch Adobe Lightroom and navigate to the Develop module.
  3. Locate the Presets panel on the left-hand side of the screen.
  4. Right-click on the “Presets” folder and select “Import.”
  5. Locate the downloaded preset file on your computer and click “Import.”

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the Blue and Orange Tone Lightroom preset and are ready to apply it to your photos.

Applying Blue and Orange Tone Presets

Once you have installed the preset, applying it to your photos is a breeze:

  1. Open the photo you wish to edit in Adobe Lightroom.
  2. Navigate to the Develop module if you’re not already there.
  3. Locate the Presets panel on the left-hand side.
  4. Expand the “User Presets” folder to reveal the installed presets.
  5. Click on the Blue and Orange Tone preset to apply it to your image.

Adjusting the Presets to Suit Your Style

While presets offer a quick and convenient way to enhance your photos, they are not one-size-fits-all. To truly make your images stand out, consider making adjustments to the preset settings based on your preferences and the specific requirements of each photo. Play around with the exposure, temperature, vibrance, and other settings to achieve the desired effect.

Tips for Achieving the Best Results

To get the most out of your Blue and Orange Tone Lightroom presets, keep the following tips in mind:

  1. Shoot RAW: Working with RAW files provides greater flexibility in post-processing, allowing you to maximize the potential of the presets.
  2. Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try different presets and settings to find the perfect combination for your images.
  3. Fine-tune: Adjust individual settings after applying the preset to achieve a more customized look.
  4. Avoid Overdoing: While the Blue and Orange Tone effect can be striking, it’s important to exercise restraint and maintain a natural appearance in your photos.

Creative Applications of Blue and Orange Tone Presets

The Blue and Orange Tone presets offer a multitude of creative possibilities. Here are some ideas to inspire your editing process:

  1. Landscape Photography: Enhance the colors of sunsets, beaches, or mountains to create stunning, immersive landscapes.
  2. Portrait Photography: Add a touch of warmth to skin tones while making the background elements pop, resulting in captivating portraits.
  3. Cityscapes: Transform urban scenes into vibrant and energetic cityscapes, accentuating the architectural details and neon lights.

Editing Photos with Blue and Orange Tone Presets: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Import your photo into Adobe Lightroom.
  2. Apply the Blue and Orange Tone preset.
  3. Fine-tune the settings according to your preferences.
  4. Adjust the exposure, contrast, and other individual settings if needed.
  5. Save your edited photo.

Comparing Before and After: Examples of Transformed Images

The Blue and Orange Tone Lightroom preset can have a dramatic impact on your photos. The before-and-after images demonstrate the transformational power of this effect, showcasing the vibrancy, depth, and mood it can bring to your photography.


By utilizing Blue and Orange Tone Lightroom presets, you can add a vibrant twist to your photos, enhancing their visual appeal and captivating your audience. With easy installation, customization options, and a variety of creative applications, these presets offer a valuable tool for photographers at all skill levels.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Can I use Blue and Orange Tone presets in other photo editing software? While Blue and Orange Tone presets are specifically designed for Adobe Lightroom, you can often find similar effects or filters for other editing software.

2. Are Lightroom presets suitable for professional photographers? Yes, Lightroom presets are widely used by both amateur and professional photographers as they provide a quick and efficient way to achieve consistent edits.

3. Can I use Blue and Orange Tone presets on mobile devices? Yes, Adobe Lightroom is available as a mobile app, allowing you to use Blue and Orange Tone presets on your smartphone or tablet.

4. Are Lightroom presets reversible? Yes, you can always revert back to the original image by removing the preset or resetting the settings in Lightroom.

5. Can I create my own Blue and Orange Tone presets? Absolutely! Once you become familiar with the settings that produce the desired effect, you can save your own presets for future use.